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Innovation and sustainability

For a renewable future


The spiral of SAPERE knowledge of Synergie Group:


Operational tool by Synergie Group for the management of knowledge in favor of every sector of the company, for the control and improvement of work, the health of the people and the communities in which they are
host our installations, and environment.

SAPERE, an R&D tool Synergie

Group to transform ideas in

tangible works, generating

knowledge in continuous

evolution for sustainable


The R&D Synergie Group spiral:


R&D Synergie Group is based on the concept of the evolution of human knowledge in continuous movement, transformation and growth towards infinity.

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SAPERE: The Knowledge Management of
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SAPERE, synonymous of knowledge for continuous efficiency



SAPERE, management of human knowledge aimed at continuous evolution.

Synergie Group promotes the research and development of innovative green technologies that contribute to the industrial metabolism of the steel and metallurgical industry in general, which improve occupational safety and reduce emissions and direct energy consumption.


To this end, in collaboration with the associated company AIT Europa Engineering, it supports a R&D center with the specific aim which creates new technological solutions that have a positive impact on the environment and the economic outcomes of the companies that deliver it.

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