We preserve
environment, health and work
Our sustainable operating model
CSS - Company Safety and Sustainability
CSS - Human Rights
Workforce is our most important asset. For this reason we want to enhance the capacity, skills, experience and creativity of each of our workers, in full respect of their dignity.
Synergie Group, for the protection of health and the environment and for the enhancement of its Employees, has studied an operating model, called CSS (Company Safety and Sustainability), which is inspired by the International Charter of Human Rights ISO 37.001: 2016-Human Rights Certification.
CSS - Health & Safety
The operating model CSS (Company Safety and Sustainability) defines the guidelines for risk management and behavioral standards to ensure high levels of occupational safety, safeguarding every person who directly or indirectly participates in our project, in full respect for the environment.
The CSS is inspired by the ISO OHSAS 18.001 Certification, concerning the Occupational Safety Management.
The CSS (Company Safety and Sustainability) is the Synergie Group management method for workplace safety, environmental and health protection of every Employee, Collaborator and Community in which we operate.