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The future with no return

The Synergie Group Cryptocurrency for eco-sustainable projects


eco-NAN, definition:


eco: stands for ecology, green technology.


NAN: "Nunc Aut Nunquam" (now or never) is our motto and the name chosen for our tokens.


The reference is to our business philosophy engaged in economic activities aimed at solving environmental problems. We are aware that to save the planet it is necessary to implement production systems based on the recycling of wastes that reduce energy consumption and the impact on the health of living beings. Humanity is becoming aware that the salvation of life on the planet depends on its behavior and feels the urgent need to act. Now or never.


Synergie Group is composed of a group of professionals and entrepreneurs engaged in the realization of industrial projects for the recycling of steelworks EAF Dusts through the use of Clean Tech technology applied to electric arc furnaces that, without producing toxic emissions into the atmosphere and wastes, assures the total recovery of the metals contained in them in the form of reusable eco-alloys in the steel production process. Our goal is to create and manage recycling plants in steel companies and become a global reference in this field.


Synergie Group intends to finance the first project in Europe with the issue of tokens, exploiting the Blockchain system.


The issue of eco-NAN tokens, to finance the project, will make Synergie Group stronger and more independent towards metallurgical multinationals and traditional financial institutions.

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Go directly to the eco-NAN website for more information



The First Digital Currency for eco-sustainable projects in Circular Economy.

eco-NAN is a Synergie Group cryptocurrency that finances projects with a high environmental impact, eco-sustainable and Circular Economy.


The philosophy behind the creation of this digital currency is expressed in the "Reconomy" section: the eco-NAN was created to become a tool and a reference point for subsidizing projects that foster a resilient society, economy and planet.


Synergie Group will issue eco-NAN to finance its eco-sustainable projects, the first of which will be the creation of Recycling Centers for the steel dust (EAF Dusts), a toxic waste that has a particularly negative impact on the environment and health.


Synergie Group will create its own R&D Center, dedicated to the development of technologies and processes for the recovery of production waste from the metal industry and whose applications creates Circular Economies.

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